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Family and Consumer Sciences

The Family and Consumer Sciences department at Davis HS provides students many programs with which to enrich their education. Continue reading below for details on each program.

GRADS / Childcare Center

Graduation, Reality and Dual-role Skills (GRADS) is a program for pregnant and/or parenting teens that focus on work and family foundation skills of significance to these students. GRADS programs include student demonstration of skills leading to high school graduation and economic independence. Throughout this course, students will develop skills that will help them to be effective parents and positive role models to their young children, while developing a solid understanding of child and human development. We are a licensed childcare center and we participated in Early Achievers and rated in spring 2016. We have 2 amazing staff members in the childcare center, Belen Rosales and Sandra Roberts.

Childcare Lab

We have 2-4 Child Care Lab Students per period who earn credit through working in the childcare center. They leave my program with everything they need to get a job in a licensed childcare center, with the exception of CPR/First Aid.

Child Development

Over the semester, the class will be covering the following topics about children: Social Development, Emotional Development, Cognitive (Intellectual) Development, Physical Development. The curriculum covers Nutrition, Safety & Hygiene, Child Abuse, Parenting, and Appropriate toys/products, & much more! Child development is divided into 2 semester sections. Student can complete one or both in any order. Students who complete a year of child development may be eligible to work in the Davis High School Cooperative Childcare Center as lab volunteers and earn Child Care Basics and YVCC credit while doing so.

Childcare Basics / Tech Prep

The Child Care Basics curriculum serves as a broad introduction for professionals who are pursuing a career in the early care and education field. This curriculum is designed to meet the initial basic training requirement for child care center staff and family child care home staff working in licensed or certified programs in Washington State. Students who complete the 30-hour curriculum and provide documentation (portfolio) will receive industry certification, as well as tech prep credits from Yakima Valley Community College. Students must take BOTH semesters of Child Development, and keep track of their work from module 1-10 in a portfolio in order to certify. To get the Tech Prep credits, students must get a B or better in both semesters of child development.



Interior Design

Interior Design is designed to introduce the field of interior design and its elements. This class provides practical information about planning, building, and decorating a home to enhance its use for living, working, relaxing, and entertaining. Principles and elements of good design are essential in the career fields of home design, architecture, and the commercial industry. We also, examine the basic structures and the components of a home. This is definitely a "hands on" class.  This class is a semester class, and students can either earn an "occupational", "elective", or "fine arts" credit.




Single Living

Single Living: is designed for students to explore topics relevant to them as well as prepare them for their future.  Single Living is a one-semester class, focusing on topics such as Nutrition & Cooking, Goal Making Skills, Career Readiness, Leadership, Community Service, Personal Development, Relationship Development, Budgeting & Finances, Presentation skills, and many more skills that will encourage students to become successful member of society. Students are expected to participate in class activities and work to their full potential. This is definitely a "hands on" class. In this class, students can either earn an "occupational" or "elective" credit.



Food Science

This course focuses on the relationship between food consumption, health, and culinary arts. Instruction includes such topics as nutrition, safety and sanitation, cooking methods, food preparation, careers in the food industry and the functions of ingredients. Science is integrated throughout the course in a variety of experiments during cooking labs. Students also study topics surrounding the essential nutrients and their effects on health.  This course offers students lots of opportunities for hands on learning and the opportunity to try lots of new food. This course aligns with the National Family and Consumer Sciences industry standards, as well as, the New Generation Science Standards. This class is a semester class, and students can either earn an occupational, elective, or .5 lab science credit. Students also have the opportunity to participate in leadership activities through FCCLA.