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Principal's Message

Welcome from the Principal

Heather Hastie

Heather Hastie

On behalf of the Davis staff, I would like to welcome parents and students to Davis HS. The focus for the year is to empower students to take control of their learning. The Student Principal Advisory Council (S.P.A.C) will strive to improve school culture, climate, and student learning using the framework from the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP). Within the AWSP framework, students will focus on addressing the eight criteria to build a positive school culture and improve learning. Students and parents can follow our progress on the Davis twitter account @Davisyakima.

AWSP Leadership Framework Criteria

Criterion 1: Creating a Culture

Criterion 2: Ensuring School Safety

Criterion 3: Planning with Data

Criterion 4: Aligning Curriculum

Criterion 5: Improving Instruction

Criterion 6: Managing Resources

Criterion 7: Engaging Communities

Criterion 8: Closing the Gap

One of the most significant indicators of student success is parent involvement. It is essential parents play an active role in their student’s education. Parents can monitor their student’s academic progress through Skyward’s Parent Access. (Contact Armando Garcia for further information. 573-2512). Additionally, students have access to the Davis library after school four days a week. Available services include access to books, computers, the Internet, tutoring, and may receive college admission assistance.

We look forward to another successful school year. If there is anything we can do to better meet the needs of your student, do not hesitate to contact us.

Davis Coat of Arms


Davis Mission Statement

We educate students for success: life-long learning, employment, and social awareness.